Moving Apartments

   Weeks are starting to turn into days and days into weeks, the saying is true! This week just seemed to fly by! We had our district meeting on Tuesday and I taught on how to get our investigators to church and ways we can "combat" the normal excuse people give. We then played ultimate frisbee for our district activity. Wednesday(transfers) came and there were only 3 people in the entire zone that left, sometimes with being the outskirts of the mission we fee like we get forgotten sometimes haha. 

  Anyway...we had one of the Elders come with us all day until his new companion came in and that was pretty fun to have a trio for a day. We did a lot of tracting that day because of appointments that fell through. On Thursday we were so busy! We were in the middle of our personal study when one of our members called us and asked if we could help him with service so we did. We raked leaves and Elder Clayton and I decided he got the cheapest labor in town, he picked up two bums and us! He did give them some money so it was a good way for them to get it rather than begging. Right after we were done with that we got a phone call from the zone leaders say we were moving into an apartment in 3 hours and needed to pack and deep clean our apartment so that was a crazy time but it was pretty fun too. our new apartment is nice but a little bit smaller. if anyone needs the new address ask my ma!

 Oh just a fun fact for you. Remember how we were banned from a certain area in our area because of the guy threatening us? yah we live in his same apartment complex, right across from him, I guess that didn't last too long! He hasn't given us any problems. We were able to get 3 new investigators this week because of the sisters referrals. One of them is a couple, the Chester's. they were mainly interested in seeing what this missionary work is all about and thought it was weird/cool that young men took out so much time to do this, so we explained missionary work which lead to a lot of gospel related conversations, we ended up teaching the restoration and she is very excited about it, he will take a little more work! Our other investigators name is Jerry Vandyke, he is 38 and has been through a lot in his life. When we walked into his house there was like a smog of cigarette smoke. We taught him the restoration and set a baptismal date for March 1. On Saturday we had a district meeting counsel for our zone and there they gave us some information and told us we had to call each companionship in the district twice a week, I have SO many calls I have to do but just do it one step at a time and it'll be all good!

   This week I wanted to share something that hit me pretty dang hard! We were reading it with a less active, it is 1 Nephi 20:9-11

"Nevertheless, for my name’s sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain from thee, that I cut thee not off.

10 For, behold, I have refined thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

11 For mine own sake, yea, for mine own sake will I do this, for I will not suffer my name to be polluted, and I will not give my glory unto another."  The context of the chapter doesn't really matter. I really liked how Christ says that because the name that he has he wont do something to make him look bad. We have taken upon us our fathers name, our own name, and Christ's name when we were baptized. He then continues to say that those who are going through hard times are chosen and that we should be thankful. i remember when my dad would tell me in sports when the coach is picking on you its a good thing and he knows you can improve, Christ is the coach here! Love and miss y'all and hope all is well!

Elder Welch

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