Snow in the South


 This week has been the most bipolar of my mission as far as the south goes. On Monday president emailed/texted everyone in the mission saying that there was some arctic freeze that was coming down from the north and to prepare for snow and that just blew everyone's minds because it hasn't snowed here in 15 years, lucky Elder Welch got the never leaves me! On Tuesday we made it out safety to district meeting in Semmes and most of us made it home safely. Lucedale did get trapped and had to spend the night at Semmes for 2 nights...lucky ducks! I had a tradeoff that day with the new missionary in the area from the MTC and I have felt bad for this missionary because he is white washing an area his first transfer out(2 new elders in one area). All they do is tract and don't have a lot of members in their area to work with. He loved being able to work(once we got ok'd to go out and drive) in an area that has been set up with a lot of members in it but he is a great missionary from Rexburg Idaho. He actually knows Lesly Hayes(the girl that i met at the Manti pageant a few years back). With it being so cold and wet I did get pretty sick this week, I'm still not over it. I never did stay inside because it would have driven me crazy but I have had a few sleepless nights from headaches and not being able to breathe, it is getting better i just cant speak very well.

   We got two new investigators this week. One of them was a referral we received from Idaho which president smith relayed to elder clayton and I. His name is Scott Chandler and he is a tough cookie to crack! He says he has lost all of his faith(which is false, we can never lose all of our faith or else we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning), he lost his job a few years ago, and his wife died a few years ago. We want to teach him the plan of salvation with family history but haven't been able to keep his lessons on track enough to do so. Our other investigator we received from HQ and his name is Earl. The cool story about this one is when we put his address into the GPS we realized that he lived at the same house as a former investigator that we tracted into, at first we thought that we were getting pranked but it turned out to be an awesome contact! It was his older brother, we taught him about the Book of Mormon and got a return appointment with him tonight.

   So as far as it being a bipolar week as far as mobile goes it was snowing at the beginning of the week, 70 on Friday, and raining yesterday, all seasons in one week. I got sick from the cold/wet weather and it started out with a sore throat, then I got stuffed up, and then my throat got a little swollen, and now i just cant talk very well. I am almost all better except for the whole not being able to talk thing. I woke up a lot in the middle of the night this week with a headache and stuffed up too. We had a leadership broadcast on Saturday with L. Tom Perry presiding with 4 other 70 being there, it was broadcast for the southeast and it was amazing. it talked about the roll of the ward counsel and how they can better work with missionaries. L. Tom Perry has so much energy, he will never die..I Love it!

    This week I had really good studies and I feel like i grew a lot and I want to share one thing I found. I was studying in Mosiah 17:2 This is right after Abinadi preaches against King Noah and his priests and this is what it says." But there was one among them whose name was Alma, he also being a descendant of Nephi. And he was a young man, and he believed the words which Abinadi had spoken, for he knew concerning the iniquity which Abinadi had testified against them." We can apply this to ourselves especially as missionaries. We go out and teach hundreds of people juts like Abinadi was preaching to Noah and his many priests and as far as Abinadi knew he was just testifying against them but the only reason he was there and died was because one person had to be converted(who ended up being a prophet). We teach hundreds and at times we only convert 1 out of hundreds but we were sent to do one thing. It kind of reminds me of the song by Rascal Flatts "Bless the Broken Road"  I know that it is about a girl but we can apply that as well haha.  We can liken it to our callings, you are the only person on the face of the planet that has your calling in that designated area and you are called for one reason or another.  I love and miss y'all! All is well!

Elder Welch

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