Mardi Gras in Mobile

 I cannot believe that it has been 8 months since I've left. I was thinking about the day that i entered the MTC which I don't like to do very often because I don't like to but it juts amazed me that it has been 8 months since that time, my year mark is just around the corner! This week was about normal speed so that is good but we had a lot of things happen! First off we had our zone conference on Tuesday with president Smith and the AP's, we get them about every 3 transfers. We talked about mission unity, church tours, and family history work, the same thing that we talked about in zone training but reemphasized. We also found out that our mission is having transfers on Thursdays now. After that I had a tradeoff with Lucedale but I stayed in mobile with Elder Garn this time. We got to teach a few people which Ill talk about later in the email. As we were trading back the next day I was driving to Wilmer, Alabama to meet in the middle and we cant have the phone while we drive so he was holding onto that, as we traded back and were just pulling into mobile we realize that Elder Garn still had the phone! We had to go over to the zone leaders apartment to make arrangements to get it back, that was eventful.

   As far as our investigators go we only really have one to really talk about and that is Scott Chandler. He is kind of hard to teach because he likes to oppose everything even though we can prove him the scriptures oppose what he says but that doesn't matter much because he has progressed so much. One lesson we had with him was a church tour, we thought we'd try it out since president is really pushing for us to do them. We went through the church and it all was going alright and as we were showing him a picture in the primary room I got a prompting to sing to him. I was really scared and honestly didn't really like that prompting so I shook it off. As we entered into the room that had the baptismal font I knew that this room would be the one that he needed the most. We were talking for about 2 minutes when I just stopped and got up and told elder clayton to follow me to get the primary hymn book, I flip to "I feel my saviors love" and  explained to him about the baptism by fire and that this is what my baptism reminds me of. I sang the song as I was shaking like a leaf(we had 3 members there too so I had an audience). The spirit was really strong and them we had a testimony meeting there for Scott.  Patrick Baldwin was one of the members present and said he really needed it just as much as Scott. Scott prayed twice and hasn't said a prayer for 2 years so that was HUGE progression for him.

   Mardi Gras is going on and will be going on for the next 2 weeks so that makes the work slow down a bit but its all good. We are half way through the transfer and this will probably be mine and elder Claytons last transfer together but who knows! I love the kid. As for a spiritual thought this week I want to talk about the power of a fast. I heard about everyone in Elko fasting for moisture and how that helped but I want to talk more on an individual basis. Fasting helps us overcome problems that we need added strength for or for extra forgiveness. As you weaken and overcome your carnal desires your spirit will grow. I have seen this happen so much in my life. I feel like I should talk a little on repentance too. Don't procrastinate it! The savior will forgive if we are willing to be forgiven. Love and miss y'all!

All is well

Elder Welch

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