Visiting Mississippi

 What a fast week! This is a scary time because the slow days of my mission are gone and it just keeps going faster and faster! I always thought that as I was out longer and longer on my mission that it would get easier.  This week has been so hard for me. I have felt the inadequacies that every missionary feels and needs to learn from. Like I’ve said in previous letters, He makes our situations uncomfortable to get our attention...and He has mine now! I did have an eventful week this week though! We started out on Tuesday when we had our zone training. We learned about being unified, setting firm appointments, and doctrine on family history.  It says that people that have already been converted in the Spirit world are prompting their loved ones down here to do their work for them. We had an opportunity to teach it to Scott Chandler too! We taught the plan of salvation with ordinances that we can give to others (his wife died two years ago). I have never felt the Spirit so strong in a lesson my whole mission. I actually started tearing up. The lesson made a huge difference in him. He has gone from not praying for two years to having faith again and he said he has prayed so it is only a matter of time with him!

   On Thursday I had to go to Lucedale, Mississippi.  I had to do a baptismal interview for a lady.  That was a lot of fun even though we didn’t get back until about 9:30. On Friday Elder Clayton and I had an hour of free time so we had time to go out and tract. Elder Clayton felt prompted to go to a certain street in the area we were in and we started going. The first door we went to we met a lady named Yolanda. Common name down here. We taught her about the book of Mormon and half the restoration, she cut us off because she said she had to pee really bad ha-ha, we got a return appointment with her. We then were walking back to our car after a few houses that we knocked and ran into a man named Kyle. He is active in his ministry and a really smart guy and he invited us back to eat lunch in 2 weeks and a lesson, hopefully that goes well. On Saturday I had my tradeoff with the zone leaders and I went with Elder Hadden and went to their area. I love that guy! He has been out about 20 months and is an awesome teacher.  I learned a LOT from that tradeoff. I am also feeling a lot better.

   This week as I have been having a hard one and have seen it in my studies I wanted to touch on Ether 12:27 and Alma 7:12. He listens if we just humble ourselves. Don’t wait like me until you get humbled by the Lord, do it on your own and it works out a lot better! He's there for us and always will be.

Love and miss ya’ll!

All is well

Elder Welch

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