10 Month Mark

   Well 10 months gone and boy have they gone fast! I not only finished up my 10th month this week but I also will be finishing my 7th transfer this next week. I will be staying in Mobile as a zone leader with Elder Hadden for another 6 weeks; it's nice to get another transfer under my belt before he is done with his mission. This week was pretty good. Elder Hadden and I were able to teach zone training and it was a great experience, not only for the elders in the zone but also for Elder Hadden and I. I went back to Monroeville to do a tradeoff with the other elders. I got to go with Elder Peterson who has only been out for 2 transfers and is from Colorado. He was such a funny kid, one of the best tradeoffs of the transfer. The morning before we traded back off we went to do service at the library and when we walked in, and me being the guy that nobody knew, I went and introduced myself to the lady at the desk, her response was a little surprising to me. She said "Hello Eldorado." I just played it off and then when I went around the corner and asked Elder Peterson if he had heard what I just heard, he just told me she was crazy and that she always called us that. From then on out she would always say "oh hello Eldorado"...crazy lady. But I loved her. This week was just another regular week in the area, we tracted a ton because the work has been going pretty slow and we have no one to teach. The ones we are teaching are dropping like flies. Friday I got to go on another tradeoff with Elder Spencer just to show him how to make the work, not just hard and long, but also fun. I made some biscuits and gravy for lunch and we had an awesome tradeoff. We weren’t able to meet with Rock this week but we have been able to see Cheryl. I honestly haven’t really taught her yet because I have constantly been on tradeoffs.  We were to teach her the day I was out of town for tradeoffs. We found her through family history and she has been reading and praying about it.

      At the beginning of this past week I had a really hard time. I always have a purpose in my studies and for this past week I chose the atonement. I know I can’t study that in a lifetime let alone a week! I really, really needed it this week though. Testimonies don’t come at once, single testimonies do. I realized this week that I needed a stronger testimony to increase my desires to not only do missionary work but to be doing the right things. By small in simple means are great things brought to past, line upon line. Testimony is like different strands of a muscle that make something powerful.

Much love, all is well.

Elder Welch

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