Mobile OYM Goal

 What a great week! I would say it is safe to say that this is one of the weeks where i have grown spiritually the most not only on my mission but in my whole life. At the beginning of the week we had our last district meeting of the transfer and although it was a super good district meeting and Elder Miller did an amazing job one of the missionaries that went home last transfer was back down here for his mission trip and came and saw us, I got SO homesick seeing him just 6 weeks later chillin with his parents haha, it only lasted about 30 minutes. On Thursday we had a transfers to take care of which is one of my favorite things to do as a zone leader. We get up early in the morning and pack up all of the people that are getting transferred and go to Pensacola (Fox Run) to drop them off and pick up the new people coming into mobile. Its always so nice to see the people that you've served around but don't get to see all that much.

   This week for some reason we had no tradeoffs so we had a lot more time to work. This week has led to a lot of miracles. My companion, Elder Hadden fasted to find more people because he felt like there were people that he needed to find before he goes home in about a month and the blessings from that were amazing, we had 3 new pretty solid investigators. I also felt prompted to go off of a promise given by Elder Ballard to us that if we street contact at least 10 people everyday we will see miracles in the mission. I set a goal for 5000 contacts by the end of this transfer(6weeks), i have already seen immense miracles come from that. The OYMing goal given by elder Ballard to us has been on my mind a lot the past few days and as i figured out what i needed to do about it was that if we need to see miracles in the mission then we must follow the commitment, elder Ballard has the sealing power just as Nephi (Helaman 10) did and Nephi asked for a famine and a famine came, elder Ballard promised us more teaching /baptisms, it'll happen. I felt a goal for 5000 contacts by the end of this transfer is what we needed to do. Elder Hadden and I OYM'd 14 people on Saturday and it was awesome.   Easter Sunday was one of the best I've ever had. There were great talks, great musical numbers, and a lot of investigators at church...7 between all of us 8 missionaries.

   A I've thought about what I wanted to talked about I reflect on the studies I've hard this past week and a lot of them have to do with the desires we have and how the Lord can and will bless us. There are different levels of faith which I'm not going to go into here but we show our faith by our actions. We know that the Lord blesses us according to our desires and he also will judge us according to them. (alma 41:3) With that being said he will give us things if want for one of two reasons. 1) it will benefit you and others or 2)to teach you a lesson(been there done that!) We get what we go for is a phrase I've been going by a lot lately. Even though I may be showing my faith by my works(James 2:17) the faith is in vain if I don't want to be out and don't want to share the gospel. If you are simply just wasting time then you will not merit the blessings from what you are "going for." much love! all is well

Elder Welch

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