Angel's Watching Over Us - Car Sliding & Guns Firing

 What a great week! It has been a really busy week for me as well. Tuesday we had a great district meeting in Mobile by Elder Miller.  We were going to do district meeting out in Semmes Alabama like usual but they have been cleaning the carpets in this area so we all had to travel back to Mobile for it. During all of this I was on a tradeoff with Elder Leishman (Elder Clayton’s new companion) it was a pretty good tradeoff.  I was fed really well, that’s for sure! I feel like the highlight of my week was definitely mission leadership council in Fort Walton, Florida. I love going back to Florida any chance that I get. I just love that state so much! I love Alabama too but it’s just not the same as Florida. 

  During MLC we just talked about the main struggles in the mission and talked about it for 3 hours, kind of like a ward council setting. Not so much like a zone conference. We also talked about some of the rules President wanted advice on for changing.  I just felt "in the loop" and that was really nice. My second tradeoff of the week was with the Elders in Atmore Alabama. I got to go up with Elder Payne, he is one of the hardest working Elders I’ve met on my mission.  I feel like I have come closer to death this past week than I have my entire life! The last few hours of the Atmore tradeoff it rained pretty bad, which is normal.  As we were traveling back we were on a dirt road for about a mile and as I mentioned was wet! I didn’t think anything of it really because we weren’t going too fast. As we come around a corner at about 25-30mph I hear Elder Payne say, "I’ve lost it, it's got me." I didn’t quite internalize what that meant until we started skidding off of the road down into a ditch, inches away from a huge wall on my side! Somehow, someway Elder Payne was able to pull us out of the ditch.  We then started fishtailing it and the car was bouncing everywhere! I thought for sure that we were going to roll it! I’m so thankful I’m a missionary and have safety and even if I didn’t I am living better than I ever have before so I wouldn’t have too much to worry about. He was able to put the car to a stop and we made it to Mobile safely.  I haven’t prayed that hard since the San Diego plane ride back home! The other time I almost died was that night! We were going to see an investigator and as we went up the road we saw police lights by his house...first clue right? We pull up to his house and the cop comes up to us and asks us for our soliciting permits (we don’t even solicit). I gave him my ecclesiastical card anyway...that part was fun, he let us go. We then go to the investigators house and ask him what is going on and he explains that there were gun shots about 10 minutes earlier and that they LET THEM GO! I don’t understand what the police were thinking but whatever. About 10 minutes pass and I feel one of the strongest promptings I’ve ever gotten to get out of there. As I try to get Elder Hadden's attention we see this truck come hauling around the corner and stop in front of the house. At this point I was so scared! The truck sees us and then puts it in reverse and then screeches around the same corner. We got out of there and don’t know what happened the rest of that night but I don’t think it was very good! Rock our investigator is still doing well. We watched conference at his house, other than that it’s been hard just trying to find people to teach. I don’t have much of a spiritual thought this week other than to reflect on yourself and conference. It’s the last days and it’s getting serious.

All is well...and I’m safe!

Love ya’ll! 

Elder Welch

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