Mothers Day

   I find it a great blessing that exactly 11 months ago I gave my mom and dad their last hug for 2 years and yesterday I had the opportunity to talk to them over skype, what a blessing technology is! This week was very busy for us as zone leaders. On Tuesday we had zone conference with the Mobile stake (50 missionaries) with the assistants and President and Sister Smith. It is always great to see them and hear what president expects of us. One thing that was different from the rest of the zone conferences I have been to is that we usually get training on how we can teach and work in different ways but this one was almost all about basically "cleansing the inner vessel and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also." Elder Hadden and I talked about Ether 12:6 and how we need to have faith tried before we can obtain miracles. The next day we had our tradeoff with Elder McPherson, one of the APs. That kid is so cool, I couldn't say enough good about him. We had our interviews and service that same day so we didn't really get to proselyte much with him, still a blast though, I learned a lot from him. There has been a really really big push for family history in the mission for the past 6 months or so and since mine had been done pretty well there was a wall at my German lines and this week I was able to break that down and go back farther, it was so nice, a stress reliever for sure! Investigators are all about the same, progression has been a huge problem for us recently. Rock however did bare his testimony to us about the prophet joseph smith and the Book of Mormon, he cant get baptized but he is definitely on the road to conversion!

     As far as a spiritual thought goes I've been studying about knowledge/light and how important it is. I know that "we cannot be saved in ignorance"(DC 131:6) but as i studied more i found that in the bible dictionary under knowledge it says that "we only progress as fast as we obtain knowledge"...that's here and after this life!  Christ always refers to Himself as the light of the world and the truth(DC 88:6), He also gives us that title in a few places in the scriptures(matt. 5:14 for example). The more knowledge we obtain the more we will radiate with light. All of this put together I have realized how important study is. As i sat and did the math for how much study we do on just our mission it ends up being 1460 hours...a doctorate degree is 1440...we can become "doctors of the scriptures" in the worlds eyes by the end of our mission if we use the time effectively. An important part of the church is "remembering" and a great deal of power as His servants is remembering the knowledge that we've already received. knowledge is power. Love and miss y'all

All is well

Elder Welch

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