Tropical Storm in Mobile

  What a hectic week, it definitely has thrown everyone off of their game. We knew a huge storm was coming in last Monday but didn’t know the magnitude of it...nothing happened Monday but Monday night it was CRAZY!  It rained 26” in 24 hours. The thunder and lightning literally sounded and looked like a constant war zone, the sky was always lit up. The next day Elder Hadden and I were getting ready to leave for MLC (mission leadership counsel) in Tallahassee when we received a text from the assistants. MLC had been cancelled for that day and that there was going to be an emergency conference call in an hour. As we conferenced in we had to report to President Smith on how everyone handled the storm.  He told us that that was just mother natures "warm up." He asked us to stay inside for the day, that evening we had a terrible storm. Then on Wednesday we thought that we would be free to work but because there were sink holes that swallowed trucks and one in Pensacola that was 40' deep, we had to stay in that day as well.  Tornados were around us but none hit us.   I guess the worst storm in this part of the nation for years, we were on lockdown for 2 days boring! As a missionary all you really have to do is just sit there and read what you want but you can only read so much in one sitting. Luckily Elder Hadden and I had 2 other sets of Elders come over so we wouldn’t go completely insane.....all in all we were able to remain safe. “The Lord has always testified through the elements"-President Smith. With two full days of not being able to work I was a little worried about our goals and actuals but they were actually really good! We got to teach a lot of people and things look like we have great things coming for us in the future. While I was on a tradeoff with Elder Clayton up in Saraland (which was a blast) Elder Hadden had an awesome lesson with a family.  I haven’t met them yet so I can’t really elaborate much on that but more will be coming soon! 

      I wanted to talk to y'all about the impressions I had yesterday while sitting in Elders Quorum. We were talking about the women in our lives and what influences they had on us. Of course my Ma came into my mind and the role she played in my life. I thought of the great women in the scriptures and the like attributes they had with my mom. I have talked previously of the great examples my parents were to me a few months ago with the example of the Stripling warriors. Fathers are great and all but we get to call on mother’s day for a reason. Sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, missionaries, and even the great prophets wouldn’t be who they are without a great influence of their mom. I honestly couldn’t stop myself from tearing up a bit in church yesterday and it’s been a long time since I have done that on my mission. I love you Ma! I’m thankful for all you’ve done, and for all you will continue to do.

Love and Miss Y’all

Elder Welch

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