Driving the Transfer Van in POURING Rain

   What a fun week it was! Tuesday we had a great district meeting and then had to prepare for the new missionaries coming in. This transfer was a little weird for everybody. It was weird for me because this was the transfer that I came into the mission field a year ago but now I was picking them up. It was weird for everyone else because with it being all of the new missionaries coming in after school is done so it was a pretty large transfer, I believe there was 15 that came in. That night we had a dinner at the mission home and a small orientation. The next day we had to get up at 6am to go and pick the sisters up at the hotel. All that day we did training with them, it was really cool to be able to help the new missionaries. Going back to Tuesday night; we gave the missionaries their trainers names and their new addresses for the next couple of weeks so they could let their parents know. There was one specific Elder that was having a super hard time on the phone with his parents. I remember specifically how hard it was for me to be away from home at the beginning of my mission I was able to help him, he should be doing fine now, he looked fine, it was just the call that killed him.

   Thursday was the actual transfer date for the whole mission. President Smith does nothing with transfers other than the actual placing of the missionaries, all of the logistics are done by the assistants. We hooked up a 12 passenger van and a truck to a trailer and set off. With there being 3 assistants driving wasn't that bad because we had to drive from 9am to 6pm. There was a stretch when I was driving the van and the trailer that it was just down pouring for about 10 minutes, it was super scary but i did it, of course it would be the stretch that I was driving the most difficult vehicle! Once we got back that evening we had a dinner with all of the departing missionaries and had a departing testimony meeting. That was amazing but one of the saddest meetings i have been in on my entire mission. President Smith through down a mean sermon about home life, it was really nice to hear. The rest of the weekend we had some proselyting and good contacts but nothing too big yet, really really good potentials though. We have one investigator who had a baptismal date but he has had a problem with drinking, he was sober for a month and fell back into it this week so we are praying and focusing on him. 

   What hit me hard this week points directly to those of you who have served missions but can be applied to anyone. You had amazing faith to go on a mission and you learned and grew a lot because of that experience. You have now grown up and learned a lot more but i see a reoccurrence in a lot of returned missionaries that is sad. They may not go less active but they are "less active" than they really should be in the church. Be active! Work how you wanted members to work when you were on a mission. Just because you took a physical badge off doesn't mean you took the spiritual one off (baptism). You had the faith to enlist in the mission field. Make a choice now. Do you think you have the faith to reenlist as a representative? love and miss y'all. All is well!

                       Elder Welch

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