Elder Musgrave Leaves

 What a great week it was! It seems like so much has happened since I have written y'all! Monday you heard about all the fun that we had and Tuesday was no less fun than Monday was. We were able to go to district meeting where Elder Browne (my district leader), one of the Elders from Mobile taught us and basically set up expectations. We then went on a "road trip." We recently have just gotten a van for our new mission car and so we were able to go pick up all of the missionaries that were going home early in there. We were able to go clear over to Destin, Florida, it was a lot of fun. One of the Elders going home was one of the ones in my district when I first came out, the only thing weirder than seeing that was seeing Elder Musgrave get on the plane Wednesday morning. I don't really know why but goodbyes and me have never really mixed but I was just fine. 

   We had lessons with two of our investigators this week. Joe, who has had problems with drinking in the past was sober for both of our lessons this week. I was only there for one of our lessons but we taught him the plan of salvation in two different parts focusing on how he needs to do the work not only for himself but also for his ancestors. I feel like it recommitted him from what I heard from Elder McPherson.

   We basically lost another day of proselyting because we had to go do an interview over in Bonifay Florida. I was the initial one to give the interview but Elder McPherson had to go in after me to talk to her, weirdest interview or conversation i have ever had on my mission, good stories though. Our other lesson was with Derrick. He is one of them that doesn't meet with us all for the gospel aspects of it, his girlfriend is a member and that is where most of his motivation is coming from, we had a bit of a come to Jesus lesson with him and we feel it went really really well. I did have one tradeoff with My zone leaders and all we did all day was move them out of an apartment and help one of their members move, i was so exhausted by the end of the day! really fun tradeoff though. 

    Nothing really mind blowing this week other than you need to study the scriptures! You wont progress a single bit without it. Love and miss y'all! all is well!

Elder Welch

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