Singing with Marvin Goldstein


  This week has flown and from this point until the end of next transfer will fly too. Coming up with have transfers, Elder Zwick visiting, zone conferences, tradeoffs, and anything else that pops up. Its a time everyone is looking forward to, a fun few weeks. On Tuesday of this week we started our tradeoffs and I was able to take over the area, Elder Hintze came with me. Elder Hintze is one of the coolest elders I know, he came out with me and was my zone leader in the MTC. We went to Marvin Goldstein's (yes the famous pianist) and helped him with some things he needed moved around in his basement. Once we were done he sat down and played a few songs for us, he gave us free CD's and a folder that was signed. Some how word got out that I sang and he asked me to sing Joseph Smith's first prayer as he played. It was awesome! He told me to schedule a time to do that in church so that'll be coming up shortly. A funny thing about all of that is as I was singing his wife (who is a little out there) came up to me and started fixing my posture and all that good stuff, reminded me of the good ole days. I really enjoyed doing that though because he just was making it up and it was sweet!

    Thursday came around and we had a really really busy day. I had to go to the doctor and I'm not going to give any specifics of names or what was wrong but what he told me to do was to meditate over what was wrong with me(yes it was physical, not mental) and then it would go away, most awkward doctors appointment ever, very entertaining though! We had interviews with President which are always great, a little different now that I'm always around him and we know a lot more about each other but it was still nice to get some one on one time with him. Right after that we were headed off to Mobile, my old stomping grounds! I had a tradeoff with Elder Wright and Elder Truman. It was so nice to be back. I got to go red cross and see my boy Patrick, such a nice surprise. We went to Navarre(the same place i saw a bear with Elder Judy at the beginning of my mission). We moved someone and went and saw a lot of less active members. All in all we had a fantastic week. Yesterday we had 2 potential Investigators from members. The only reason they aren't investigators yet is because we haven't taught them a lesson yet, they will be come tomorrow.

    Nothing big to share. I know the church is true, its the way to happiness and eternal life!

All is well. Love and miss y'all

Elder Welch

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