A Week of Powerful lessons

   What a hectic week it has been. Not only externally but also mentally, everything was going at 500 MPH. We have been blessed immensely with the people we are teaching and how well they are progressing. We don't have a ton of time to proselyte on certain weeks but we do what we can. The two investigators that are doing well are Celine and Joe. We had a lesson with Celine on Tuesday once again over at the Patton's home (which by the way I'm going fishing with them today, super pumped!). We had a pleasant surprise when we walked in to not only see Celine sitting there but also another one of their non member friends, Harlie! We had a good dinner and then taught one of the best restoration lessons we (Elder McPherson Included) have ever taught. We taught simply, powerfully, and we bold. Celine has come to church 4 times and has been reading and praying about the Book of Mormon regularly, we are planning on extending a baptismal date tonight! 

     Joe has been one of our investigators for a couple of months and has had a ton of ups and downs. He has always had a problem with drinking but when we taught him on Saturday we committed himself to stop drinking and really start taking this seriously. I honestly was a little bit hesitant/doubtful at first but when I saw him come to church yesterday I knew he was for real! I'm proud of him. We had a tradeoff in Panama City and In San Destin on Friday so I went to Destin to go on a spanish tradeoff and Elder McPherson went to the other Elder's place. It was super frustrating in some of the Spanish lessons but i know that the Elders were doing a good job because I felt the spirit, we had some good English contacts too. All things are well here. Love and miss y'all! 

Elder Welch

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