Setting Celine's Baptismal Date

   This week is one of the two weeks that assistants look forward to and they just fly by...transfer week! So all of last week we were sitting in Presidents house actually moving around the transfer board but this week is when it all comes to life. Tuesday we had our district meeting and then went and picked up the new missionaries at the airport. There were 14 new ones and they are quite solid! We went back to the mission home and fed them, showed them who their new companion and new area is, and had a short little get to know you. Wednesday morning we go to the mission home for a breakfast and then we are down at the church by nine o'clock to start the real training. I conducted for the first time there and it wasn't too bad. Elder McPherson and I taught for a good portion of it. We did role plays, taught about the culture of the mission (discouragement), the mission theme for 2014 (missionaries of uncommon valor), and did a Q&A. We always go out to Chipotle for lunch that day and Elder McPherson and I always try and place a Book of Mormon when the new missionaries are around just so they can get a feel for it. The more and more you place them, the more comfortable and easy it is to do it. For some reason or another Elder McPherson and I were having such a hard time with it but we did it! Thursday is the actual transfer day for the rest of the mission so we are on the road by 9am on our way to each transfer spot loading and unloading these missionaries and being back in Tallahassee by 6pm, its a long time to be driving with a trailer behind each of our cars, from that day on it has been really really hot here too, the heat index has been a wet 115 degrees. Friday we shipped off the missionaries and that makes up the transfer week! 

     For P-day this last week we were able to go fishing. I had never had too many memories of fishing when I was a kid, I could just remember a few times doing it and I wondered why...I now know why. It was fun to relax and chill with the members and Celine (our investigator I'll talk about in a minute) but boy was it boring, its just not my thing. I caught a few fish but we didn't go at the right time of the day. Overall i enjoyed myself but the actually fishing part just doesn't connect with me. We taught Celine twice this week but I just want to talk about the first lesson. We met Celine through a member and it seems like every single time we go over there to teach there is someone new, it is fantastic! Celine and Jennifer were the ones over there this day and we had planned on teaching the plan of salvation. As we taught it was going pretty well but nothing spectacular, until the end. We asked if there was any questions and then Jennifer just started bawling. I guess she had taken lessons before and had prayed about it but never had received an answer until then. We committed them both to a baptismal date and are still working with them, opposition comes when frequent visits don't happen! Elder McPherson and I both thought it was one of the most powerful lessons we have ever been a part of. We will be going over to teach Celine again, hopefully Jennifer is there! 

   Shout out to my ma! Happy birthday, i hope it all goes well. I'll be there for the next one. All is well! Love and miss y'all!

Elder Welch

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