Picking up the Sierra Leone Missionaries (Ebola)

  This has been a fantastic week! Our p-day last week wasn't even much of a p-day and we actually got approved to have another one because we were busy doing administrative stuff the whole day so you'll be getting hints of p-day activities throughout the week. Tuesday was a lot of our preparation day but the highlight of that day was definitely the lesson that we had that night. I don't remember how much i have talked about her before but we had a lesson with Celine. She was a member referral we had dinner with a few weeks ago and we finally got to teach her. All we did this time was set up expectations and do how to begin teaching and it was a really good one, Elder McPherson and I both have a feeling that it will just be a matter of time before she just blooms. 

    Wednesday there was no time for any proselyting. We got up early in the morning to go to mission leadership council over in Fort Walton. Many things were discussed there, i was able to take minutes for the meeting on the IPad and boy have i gotten good at typing on that thing, its so had on a touch screen. We travelled back and had chipotle for dinner(i miss good mexican food, that's the best we have here). We knew that it was going to be a long day that day because we got up early for MLC and then we had to make sure we stayed up late because there were going to be two new missionaries coming in from Sierra Leone at 10:20. As we were waiting we saw people come off the plane, then the stewards came off the plane and then the pilots came off the plane. We then realized that our missionaries had missed the flight and were somewhere in either Madrid or Miami, we found out they missed their flight in Miami. The next morning we were able to pick them up. One of them has been out for 10 months and the other 4.5 months and they had the coolest accents. We were able to spend time acclimating them and helping them shop for stuff over the next few days. That experience was definitely the highlight of my week, they are solid elders and the experiences they had gave me motivation. It was a great week! We have a good week set up and will be doing the transfer board this week so another busy couple of weeks are ahead! love and miss y'all! all is well

Elder Welch

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