Fun MLC in Tallahassee


Is it seriously the end of October already?! I feel like I want to start digging my heels into the ground because of how fast the time is going. Tuesday and Wednesday we had our mission leadership council in Tallahassee. Tuesday we met at the mission home and had a sports night and a fire, those that are going to be leaving this next week bore there testimonies that night as well. Wednesday was the day of the meeting and I felt it went really well, a lot of good Ideas came in from the leaders, I, excited to start doing some of them. On Wednesday night we travelled to Panama City beach and had a tradeoff with the zone leaders there. Elder Sorenson and I went with Elder Condie who will be going home next week. It's hard to do an exchange with a purpose when they won't be there for very long. That night we travelled to Dothan to have a tradeoff there and that went really well. I went with Elder Urquiaga and we talked to a lot of people, we even did service at the old persons home and I got to play some bingo, I even won a game, it was nice. Sorry for the short letter but I have a meeting with president in 5 minutes. I love and miss y'all and hope that everyone is. Safe on Friday night.

   Elder Welch   


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