Watching Meet the Mormon


  We had a good week! We had a lot of work to do with transfers! Tuesday we had district meeting, then went up to Presidents house and did the conference call for the mission, then had lunch, we had cafe rio burritos, she's such a great cook! We had a super good talk about how they got called and the trials they have had to overcome as they have been out here! It's amazing how strong of faith they both have! I have learned so much from their examples! It's a great privilege to be able to be around them so much!   We then all gathered in a room and had a projector set up on the wall! We pulled up all the missionaries in our mission and where they are right now and who they are with! Then we talk about concerns we had with certain missionaries and struggles they are having! President has some people already moved around so we look at that and tell him how we feel about the moves! Then we jump into it! We start dragging and dropping them in different areas with different companions and talk about everything! How the work is, if they are obedient, how they will get along, who is going to be zone leaders, sister training leaders, district leaders, who's going to be training! We take everything into account! Its fun, but also sorta stressful! Know this missionaries out in the field....if you are obedient you can be placed anywhere and with anyone in the mission, if you are disobedient you can't go just anywhere. Its so amazing how it works! That night we had homemade Pizza! So good! Then we got to watch "Meet the Mormons" It was really good! The church sent President a copy and we are going to be watching it at our Christmas devotional! But we got a sneak peak cause it was Elder McPherson's birthday present! All of it was so good, the last section tugged on my heart a bit but all in all it was great. ! 
   While we were working on Transfers on Wednesday President got a call from Salt Lake informing him that Elder Soares of the Presidency of the Seventy will be coming to our mission on the 8th! So we got that thrown on us with short notice!! But it will be great, We will be having a MLC with him! After we worked on the transfer board we broke out our bikes and rode to some members houses! I haven't rode for a long time and the road we were riding on was hilly, I was worn out! We came back showered and went over the The Pattons and had dinner and a lesson with Celine! We talked about the who, what, why and how of Patriarchal blessings! Thursday we taught Derrick! We have been teaching him for awhile and he's making some progress, slow but steady. We then went to the Merkisons! We carved pumpkins there with their little kids! It was actually really fun! Then we taught a lesson using the pumpkin as the lesson! We related it to us and how Heavenly Father is the Master Carver! We had to let him into our lives to be cleaned out and changed! Then we need to let our light shine through our example! Halloween was good! We all switched tags so i dressed up as Elder McPherson and Elder McPherson was Elder Sorenson and Elder Sorenson was me! Super funny! Not very many people noticed! In the morning we had some stuff at the office and got a text from a potential investigator that lives in our apartment complex and he said he wanted to meet with us and that he had a friend with him as well! So we dropped what we were doing and went and taught them out on a bench at our apartment complex! It was a really good lesson; Michael and Reed are their names! We taught about how our church was different and about the Book of Mormon and praying to know! As we were talking about the Holy Ghost and how he works, Reed said "Wow, thats exactly how i feel right now!" SO cool!! I hope we can get somewhere with these 2! They really need the Gospel! We got invited to a Halloween party but some members so we went there! It was fun! Then we had to come in so we didn't get into trouble! We set up our little portable dvd player and watched a movie! 
   The whole weekend was filled with transfers and logistics from that, talk about stressful! Elder McPherson leaves this week so i will be taking the lead. I need prayers! Love and miss y'all. All is well. 

  Elder Welch

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