Elder Ulisses Soares Devotional - Elder McPherson Leaves


  Another crazy week in the books! Im happy, healthy, loving my mission but boy am I tired!! I feel like we have been all over the place this last week! This email is probably going to be all over the place and hard to understand so I'm just going to apologize in advance. 
   Last week was Family History week! We kept track of appointments set up using family history. All of the missionaries in the tally zones met up at the stake center and we played dodge ball! We split up into districts and got matched up against the other districts! My team did a black out!! We killed everyone! My team won and all of our games were super fast! It wasn't even close! The trophy was a big FSU flag and we wrote our District name on it, the dates. We get to keep it till next dodge ball tournament! We will have one every transfer and who ever wins get the flag and takes it to district meetings. Tuesday we had district meeting and after the meeting we played volleyball as a district. We then went and picked up all of the new missionaries! They always look so young and innocent! Im sure thats how i looked when i came in! That night all of the missionaries who will be training this transfer came into Tallahassee and will stay the night with missionaries here in tally! All of the new Elders stayed in the mission home and we dropped all the new Sisters off at a hotel! 
   Wednesday morning we got up and went and trained all the trainers how to be good trainers! I always feel a little bit awkward there because I've never really trained, Im pumped to when Im done being an assistant though. The meeting went really well! After that was all done, those missionaries loaded up and headed to their areas! As for us it was just the start of a long long day!! We loaded up our mini van, the transfer van and its trailer, and the pickup and trailer! We headed over to Crestview, Florida. We got there and everyone who was getting transferred met up and we got everyone into the chapel and started announcing where they will be serving and who they will be with! It was a lot of fun being up on the stand and getting to see everyones faces when you announce where they will be going. I got to see Elder Clayton for the first time since I left Mobile so it was a nice reunion. It was fun! Then we loaded up and headed back to Tally! We brought all of the departing missionaries back in our cars and it was fun! There was 25 missionaries going home this transfer, they were all really good missionaries! 
  We got a call from President the next morning and he said that we need to make some changes to the transfer already, that has to be a record or something! He had some missionaries saying that they were going to go home so we had to make some changes! Elder Sorenson and I went to work and taught a few lessons and Elder McPherson and Elder Condie ( he stayed with us, he's going home with Elder McPherson) worked with President in the office! It was a wild and stressful day!! That night we met up and President Smiths house and had the departing Devotional! 
   Friday we had another missionary stay with us! So we had Elder McPherson, Kray and Condie all staying with us! Friday morning we woke up, had breakfast at the mission home and loaded everyone's luggage up and headed to the airport! It was a sad day! We had to send them off! It was hard saying goodbye to Elder McPherson! A lot of weight just dropped on Elder Sorenson and my shoulders! But we got this! We then had to set up for Elder Soares coming into town so we did that for the rest of the day! 
   Saturday morning President Smith met the Jacksonville mission president half way to pick up Elder Soares! He had a meeting with The Stake Presidents, Bishops, and Ward Mission Leaders in our area and we were able to be present for the training because we were the tech support! We originally had planned to do the training in the chapel and about an hour before Elder Soares asked us to change it to the gym...but there was one problem. There was a baptism going on so we only got 1/3rd of the gym. we smashed 40 missionaries plus President and Sister Smith, Elder Soares and our mission president Councilors all in that little tiny area(free throw line down)! Oh and a piano, projector and screen! Elder Soares and President instructed us and it was great! I learned a lot of really powerful things! They talked a lot about goals, and desires! It was really neat! Elder Soares had Elder Sorenson and I walk with him to the car after the meeting and he challenged us to be baptizing a convert once a month and be teaching 25 Investigator/less active/recent convert lessons a week to set the example to the mission! Wow! We are teaching on average about 6-9 lessons a week! So we are going to have to step our game up! But Elder Soares had complete confidence in us! So i know we can do it! Please pray for us! He also wants up to be bringing all of the zone leaders to our area when we do exchanges! Instead of us both going to their areas! We will now meet halfway and one set will come back and work our area and one will go work theirs! This is going to make our transfers so much busier! But i think its going to be great! Im excited for this new challenge! I love and miss y'all...just a heads up because it'll come super fast..start thinking about goals for next year.

   Elder Welch

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