Christmas 2014


  What a busy week! We had transfers take place and though it wasn't a big one, there was still a lot of planning that went into it. Usually we would have the new missionaries and departing missionaries come in on different days for their dinners but the church doesn't schedule flights for the week around Christmas because of prices so we had to smoosh things into one day. I'm not going to go into the specifics of the craziness but let's just say that I was constantly on the move until Wednesday at about 7pm. A good thing about all of it is that everyone got to where they need to be safely and in a timely manner, count our many blessings! On Thursday we had a tradeoff with the Tally 2 zone leaders and I went to their area with Elder Christensen. He comes from a broken family but he is as solid as ever, I learned so much on that tradeoff. Something cool that happened while we were working is when we went to a less active's home, her mother was there. Amongst the small talk we asked where everyone was from and the mother said she was from Wyoming. Now in my mind I'm obviously going to ask about Lovell even though I know the chances of them being from there are slim to none, well what did I know! She was from Lovell, Wyoming. 2000 miles away and 1 of 3000 people in that town. She didn't know any Welch's but dad may know about Burlingtons or Wardells. 
  On Friday we had planned to go to the office for about an hour and a half but that turned into 6 hours. We redid President Smith's board and it took a while, but boy does it look good! Sister Smith gave us gift cards to Chick-Fil-A because of what we did, while we were at Chick-Fil-A a member from a nearby branch bought us 2 more gift cards, and then we had a lesson with Celine after dinner and she bought us 2 more Chick-Fil-A cards for Christmas, good thing I like chicken! 
   We had a super good sacrament meeting on Sunday, there were a ton of performances with it being the Christmas program. We taught Riley the gospel of Jesus Christ and were planning on extending a baptismal date but it just didn't feel right this time, he knows its coming though. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas this week and that everyone stays safe if there is traveling. All is well here. 

    Elder Welch

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