Riley's Baptismal Question Answered


You know, I absolutely love my calling and assignment as an assistant but boy it'll be nice not to have meetings on p-day so I can email a good email, I feel like I've been rushed. This week was full of great blessings! 
   On Tuesday we had our district meeting with a new district leader and he did a fantastic job! After that we did a gift exchange and had a lunch for our district activity. We had planned on going on exchanges that day with the Panama City zone leaders but it was raining like crazy that day! We were about to leave and I just didn't feel completely right about it. I remember when I was younger and mom and dad at different times saying we couldn't do things for no reason other than they didn't feel good, I am guessing that is what it felt like. Long story short, we didn't go. That night we were going to a lesson and then President called us telling us to lock the mission down because there are tornados warnings all over our mission so it was a good thing we didn't travel. 
   Thursday was Christmas and it was great to finally open up all of the gifts that had been sitting under the tree, I told Elder Sorenson that on a lot of Christmases there are always like 1 or two presents that you don't care for but this Christmas I didn't have so I was happy. Calling the family was great, nothing to complain about there. 
   On Friday we went on a tradeoff with the Fort Walton zone leaders, specifically Elder Palau for me. I learned so much on that exchange, he is such a humble guy. On our way back from the exchange we talked about some sacred experiences we'd had over the mission that we had never really discussed with anyone, not even in emails home, it was a good learning experience for me. On Sunday was actually Patrick Baldwins 1 year mark from when we had his baptism. We had a lesson with Riley and he discussed the answer that he had received and set a baptismal date with him. The Book of Mormon has converting power! Sorry for the short, not very detailed letter. love y'all!

   Elder Welch

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