18 Month Mark


   Monday we went to the mall and meet up with Elder Hintze and Elder Peterson. We just walked around and looked at stuff. How bout that game. FSU got their butts kicked but i still root for them! Hopefully Oregon wins and they can rep the West Coast! That evening we went and taught Celine. We got her a copy of Preach My Gospel, we then studied with her. That was our lesson! It was a lot of fun! We studied about Christlike attributes and focused on Faith. 
  Tuesday was zone training. That went really good! After zone training we went to lunch then tried to see some less active and find new people to teach! That has been the hardest thing to do in this area is find. We don't get a lot of time to do it so we are going to be working on setting aside more time to find. Because if you cant find you cant teach! As simple as that!! We went out to dinner with the Tally 2 Zl's, Tally 3 B elders and the Tally 3 Sisters and President and Sister Smith! We went to a Hibachi grill. It was really good! Our cook was sorta vulgar with his jokes. Sister Smith didn't take any of his crap and sorta called him out and he calmed down! He was just making immature jokes. It was Elder Garn's Birthday so we sang to him and he got this cool little fruit boat. Fun night. 
   Wednesday we were in the office for a little bit! I have been able to learn a lot about computers and stuff while i have been assistant, that was never something that i thought that I would learn as a missionary. We had dinner with the Wahlquists. They are so good to us! We always leave with left overs and candy! Love that family! We went over to President's so I could Skype Whitney! It was super cool to see her after 19 months and it honestly was kinda hard but i loved it! Then we did a conference call with all the zone leaders talking about goals and what not this new year. The mission had to come in early so that we weren't on the roads with all the crazy drivers late at night. Elder Sorenson and I made sure we had our sparking cider and made a toast. PARTY!! :) Happy New Year by the way! 
   Thursday we did a lot of planning and office work. We taught Riley at the Ladles home. We taught some of the commandment to him! He is progressing really well! He is still on for him baptism on the 18th. The Ladle family has been so good for him, they are super solid and the spirit is very strong in their home! Its so nice to be able to teach in a members home where the investigator can see the gospel working and blessing a families life and feel that special spirit: Also to show the investigator that we are just normal people!We drove to Marianna late that night and meet the Ozark zone leaders there and stayed in the Marianna Elders apartment! Friday morning Elder Urquiaga and I drove to Tallahassee and spent the day working there! He is a super smart guy and a deep thinker, he asked some super inspired questions to me as we talked and it was what i needed, i was thankful for that. We met up in Dothan that night and then we drove over to Enterprise for a baptism that was happening, Elder Sorenson found her when he was serving there! 
   Saturday was Kathie's baptismal service. The service went really well. We went to lunch with the Bishop in that ward. He said he wanted to recruit me for my last 3 months haha. We traveled back to Tallahassee that day and worked a little bit in the office. Sunday was great! We have church at 1 o'clock here and though I don't like it very much it is a lot better for our schedule, we get to do more in the day. We had a lesson with Sister Baumeister who is a psychologist and she is dagum smart, thinks way deep. She has been reading Jesus the Christ and has been thinking a little too deep so we had to teach her about keeping our studies and testimony on a firm foundation rather than a sandy one. We taught Riley a lesson about tithing and fasting..he was already living it! Great kid. I love this time of year to make new goals and account for the ones last year. This life; simply stated, is a time to progress. Heavenly Father helps us progress by giving us trials. One thing I've learned on my mission is that if you want not only to progress, but to gain the christlike attribute of humility: do hard things to make you rely on the Lord. Easiest solution! Set Goals! It is one thing to want to change but its another thing to let the Lord help us do that! I love my mission and I love this church. There is nothing better than the gospel, however, my life with it gets better. All is well, love y'all! 

   Elder Welch

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