Returning to Mobile & Mills Leave


  What an eventful week, believe it or not, we drove over 1000 miles this week and didnt even get past the half way point of the mission! We had a tradeoff with the Mobile zone leaders so it was back to the homeland for me! With Mobile being 4.5 hours away we needed to leave about half way through preparation day, not too much happened in the car that was exciting enough to note other than we were jamming pretty hard to the new 2015 youth album, its so good! 
   We stayed the night in Daphne, Alabama because the zone leaders needed to go to another district meeting. I really do miss that part about being a zone leader, I love seeing how different district leaders teach. On our way up to Atmore after the district meeting we stopped at Rick Wells's house for lunch. Rick is the guy that we found my first Thanksgiving in Mobile and was actually baptized after I left Mobile so it was nice to see him again, they always feed us a lot too which isn't a bad thing at all. The day in Atmore brought me back to many exchanges that I had been on previously with missionaries that served there. Its surprising the things missionaries can remember just from being to a place a few times, it was nice to know a little bit about going into an area for a tradeoff, we usually go in as blind as a bat.    Wednesday got up early and went to mission leadership council. A lot of missionaries thought that it was hard to get specific direction on things they need to do in MLC so president changed it up a bit and it was so good! We found out we needed to teach about 3 days before the council and we had tradeoffs for almost all of that time in between so we were sweating it a little bit going in there but Ive learned that if there is no time to prepare the spirit helps you a lot on what we need to say. Its a lot of fun to have those experiences but Ive also learned that winging it is a totally different thing, if we had time to prepare and didn't, it wouldn't have went so well. Once we got back that night we taught Riley part of the fifth lesson and he is progressing so well to baptism. We taught him yesterday and went over the baptismal interview questions so he knows what will be asked, we will have the baptismal service next Sunday! Blessings! 
   Thursday there was an emergency transfer so we were driving along the coast all day, it was gorgeous! However, it was 35 degrees outside so lookin from inside the car was plenty for me. Ive become such a baby when it comes to the cold Friday we traveled to Panama City to do a tradeoff with those zone leaders, I was on the beach with Elder Smellie. With it being so cold there weren't too many people outside for it being a vacation spot so we had to get creative! We went on the pier! We were there for about 30 minutes and only talked to 1 person so I was feeling kind of guilty but on our way out a lady and her husband stopped and talked to us about how he use to be mormon, just a really good conversation...we are led to places for a reason! 
   Im loving being a missionary and have no complaints, hope all is well back home! 

    Elder Welch

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