Member Lessons in Troy


Well I cant believe that it has already been a week and a half here in Troy, I feel like we are finally starting to get out of the "acceleration stage" of Troy and are finally starting to get up to makes things a lot more comfortable for us(: 
   This week has been full of miracles! Our main focus in coming into this area was to work with the members to find success and so we talked to a few areas in the mission having success with member work and have come up with a series of lessons to teach works Beautifully. Our first lesson with a member family was the Whiting family. The Whiting family has the reputation to be hard on missionaries and have high expectations for them so for this being the first one we were doing was super nerve racking! We taught the restoration focusing on the process of revelation God has for us to be guided(the first vision was a form of revelation, prophets, etc), we ask them how they came to know the Book of Mormon is true(basically how they've used and gained revelation in their live), and then share the quote by Thomas S Monson "Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together to labor in the Lords vineyard, to bring souls unto him." We emphasize revelation again and tell them this quote is telling us members can get that revelation for missionary work too. This is just one of 5 lessons but it has yielded great results...if any of my missionary homies out there want more info on it, hit me up! We have to type the series up for the AP's next week so i can send it to others as well. Monday we went to a members house and they gave us one referral already(we will be teaching them Monday). The Whitings have already given us one and are working on another one, it's just going really well, we've been blessed. 
   This week we have been in the building up stage from the whitewash and so we have been able to teach the Restoration quite a few times but now its time for us to help them progress. It's easy to teach people on a campus but a lot are noncommittal. I taught my first district meeting this week and I felt like it went really well, I'm focusing on those member lessons. 
   With being on a campus there are a lot of activities that we do to try and get in contact with people and interest them in the gospel possibly. The highlight of my week probably is every Thursday when we get to teach Chinese students english...there are millions here in little troy, they crack me up! I want to teach one super bad! Other than that a lot of this week was trying to get a committed teaching pool and contacting! Im pumped for general conference. all is well, love and miss yall #BecauseHeLives 

   Elder Welch

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