The Embarrassing Video with the Whitings


Another week in Troy yields great results. This was one of those weeks that when thinking back on it all of the days runs together, I will try to mention the things that stood out. Troy is a kind of area that we teach a ton of first lessons but anything after that is hard to catch so that has been our main struggle in the work. One such lesson was on Monday. We were teaching a girl named Adrene at the campus and had gone through the entire restoration and was just wrapping up the Book of Mormon and how to know it is true.The next thing we know here comes up one of her "friends," he sits between us and her, and then just starts bashing us...right in the middle of the lesson! I told Elder Pusey to take the investigator off and then I handled the basher..more like occupied him while Elder Pusey finished teaching, we'll see if we see her again. 

   Embarrassing moment for the week(really for my entire mission). Everyone that has been reading these emails know that we have been doing member lesson to try and find people to teach. We were teaching the Whiting family Sunday and the lesson was the Plan of Salvation. We were to teach it very briefly, do a spirit punch during the atonement, and then relate it to family mission plans. As we were teaching the atonement we wanted to watch the Because of Him from last year and so we were searching it on him iPad, for some reason it was ridiculously hard to find. We thought we had found it so we started playing it but i couldn't see the screen because I was holding the iPad for them. The music was the same and so it had me convinced. About a minute into the video I heard a woman crying on the video and was caught off guard. I quickly turned it around and saw that it wasn't even close to the right one. The members explained it was a woman's testimony of Christ while explaining and showing some experiences from her pregnancy. There was nothing too inappropriate on the video but it definitely didn't give the spirit power punch we were expecting. Super embarrassing. The funny part was this family was the only one in the branch that are pregnant haha.

   Monday night we went over to a members house to not only have dinner but to also teach their friends! The lesson went well, they live 20 minutes out of troy so follow up has been hard but we trust the members to follow up with them, thats their job once they are the fellowshipper. Tuesday I taught district meeting and then had a tradeoff with Elder Kimball from California. He has been out about the same time as me so it was nice to talk about the good old days. Funny story for the week came on Thursday. There are a ton of Asians here in troy for some weird reason but we always try to tap into that as a teaching opportunity by teaching english. Its funny to do that in and of itself but there was a specific experience at the end that made it all the better. Back story: We OYM'd a lady named Nancy our first week and invited her to the class and she showed up. One of the members is really good friends with her husband so we were introduced to him too. I found a Chinese plan of salvation pamphlet in our apartment so decided to give it to him to give to Nancy's husband the day before the class(we see him everywhere). Fast forward to the class on Thursday. We taught about things in the airport and at the end we asked the class if there were any questions. Nancy raises her hand and says "What is the purpose of life?" Because of us teaching it at the college we cant really say anything during the class so we tried to say we will talk about it later, they are super solid! Pray for them. Conference was great! The weekend always seems like it goes by way too fast. I came in with multiple questions and came out with answers to guide me. I know we have a prophet on the earth today, thats all that matters. Love and miss yall! All is well! 

   Elder Welch

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