Bible Bashers in Troy


9 days between p-days makes for a long week! The biggest thing this week was trying to work around all of the southern rain, for some reason it was a down poor all week. Not only was it hard to think of backups but a lot of the appointments we had didn't show and a lot of the time it was because of the rain, the Lord always provides a way though. Tuesday we had district meeting in Ozark and I was really excited for it because the assistants were having exchanges with the zone leaders last week so they got to come to my district meeting, it was really good to see them again. One positive thing about it raining that we saw this week was that people feel bad for us when we tract in the rain so we had some good success with that this past week, a few good potentials for the coming weeks. 
  I feel like this week was all that different than most weeks so it is hard to write about but some of the major lessons learned this week was. 1) Effort is all that is required, if we have good intentions then the Lord will provide a way to do the things he need and wants us to. He blesses those that work. 2) We have all seen that satan usually tempts us right before and right after a big spiritual event and I have see that the Lord also preps us for times when our faith will be tried. Two specific experiences. 
  The first one was on Saturday. All of my studies seem like they are about district meetings for some reason and I feel like the district here needs a revamp on their potential so I studied about that, that night however; we just got out of a priesthood session of stake conference and had about an hour before the adult session so we decided to go get something to eat. While we were at the restaurant a random guy bashed us super hard! His main jab was us believing we have divine potential. It wasn't until the next day that I realized i was prepared for that experience. 
  The next time was when Sunday night. We have an awesome ward mission leader and he had set an appointment up with his friend for us to teach. We started the lesson out and a lot of times I feel like we work the spirit up to be the strongest at the restoration but for some reason the beginning of this lesson was extremely powerful, one of the more powerful ones Ive been in when talking about the first two points of the restoration. Within 5 minutes after that he was on a 40 minute shpeal about who knows what, all he cared about is that we were wrong. I think the only reason the spirit was more strong at the beginning was because we needed that before what was coming. If we're good to the Lord, he'll be good back. Very simple. Love and miss yall 

 Elder Welch


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