Family History in Troy


It doesnt seem like much has happened since last pday so forgive me for the length of the letter. Tuesday we had to get up a little early to get to the stake center on time for my district leader council with the zone leaders and then zone training afterward. I really really enjoyed the counsel that was given in these meetings. Even though 3 different groups taught they all lined up perfectly not only with one another but also with a lot of the impressions I have been given. One of the main focuses we've tried to have since that point has been families and specifically family history and we have really seen the fruits of that effort. 
  One good example was on Wednesday. We had set a family history appointment up with a super cool guy on campus named Rob. We went in and did family history with him but he didnt really have much information about his family so we rescheduled with him. As we were walking out of the library I dont even remember what we were talking about but I do remember him saying something about a stake down where he was from so it caught us off guard. Come to find out his best friend is on a mission right now and he said that he believes and lives basically everything that we believe he just doesnt know much and is skeptical about the Book of Mormon, he has GREAT potential...and all because he was interested in family history. 
  Our ward mission leader told us an interesting fact. In a poll that was taken a few years back only 7% of people were drawn to the gospel because of the actual doctrine. Only those who truly understand the bible will understand the need for restored truth. So now what do we do? "Enter in another way"-Alma 8...FAMILY HISTORY! 
  Thursday we had a crazy experience too. So I OYM'd a girl named Alisha our first week here and the appointment we set up originally fell through and so we didn't pay much attention to her after that. At the beginning of this week we got a text from her saying she wanted to set up another time which never happens so we were pretty pumped. When we met with her on Thursday we were just getting to know her and then she called Elder Pusey a greenie. Only Mormons know that. We asked her her last name and come to find out she was a less active member the whole time....white washing problems! She didn't say anything the first time we talked to her. She is super cool though and we are going to start working with her. Other than that we have been blessed with a lot of appointments and just trying to hasten the work here. I love Troy, I love my companion, and I love how my mission has unfolded. I just pray I am learning all the lessons I am needing to. Love and miss yall! All is well. 

   Elder Welch


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